What is Vibration ?
Vibration is defined as the motion of a particle or a body by which it is moved from its stable Position. Any motion which repeats itself after an interval of time is called Vibration.
Vibration is the backward and forward movement of a body.
Some of our daily experiences of vibration in our daily lives are a pendulum set in motion, a plucked guitar string, vehicles driven on rough land also vibrate, and geological activities can cause massive vibrations which we know as earthquakes.
How Vibrations Occurs?
Consider a simple pendulum vibration as shown in the figure below.
There are 3 positions shown in the figure. The pendulum is at stable equilibrium when it is at position ‘b’. When the pendulum is hit, it oscillates between ‘a’ and ‘c’, passing through ‘b’. So it can be concluded that:
- Vibration starts on a rigid body because of an external force, then the body is displaced from its stable equilibrium.
- Now the body return to its equilibrium position, The body keeps moving back and forth crossing its position of equilibrium due to inertia.
- Finally, the amplitude of vibration reduces gradually or vibration dampens and dies out and body regains its stable equilibrium if no more force is given to it.
How can we say that something is vibrating?
By touching a vibrating object and feel the vibration. We can also see the back-and-forth motion of a vibrating object. Sometimes oscillation creates sounds that we can hear or heat that we can feel.
Do you want to observe how vibration can create sound and heat, rub your feet back and forth on a carpet and could feel it?
Vibrations can be differentiated into two types:
-Forced Vibrations.
-Free Vibrations.
Free vibration occurs when a particle is set in motion with an initial input and allowed to vibrate freely.
No external force acts on the system.
The oscillation of a simple pendulum is an example of Free Vibration.
Forced vibration is a type of vibration in which a force is repeatedly applied to a mechanical system.
The vibration of moving the vehicle is forced vibration, because of the vehicle’s engine, springs, the road, etc., continue to make it vibrate.
Forced vibration is when an alternating force or motion is applied to a mechanical system, for example when a washing machine shakes due to an imbalance.
Forced vibration is a type of vibration in which a force is repeatedly applied to a mechanical system.
The Law Of Vibration: Impact on human life:
Everything Vibrates
The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates – everything is vibrating at one speed or another. Nothing rests. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another, and so are you.
Everything has its own vibrational frequency the table, the car, the picture frame, the rock, even our thoughts, and feelings. It is all governed by The Law of Vibration.
A table may look solid and still, but within the table are millions of subatomic particles “running around” and “popping” with energy. The table is pure energy and movement. Everything in this universe has its own vibrational frequency. It´s The Law of Vibration in action. However, we can’t see it so it appears separate and solid to us.
The Law of Vibration is of utmost importance as everything that we perceive or hear vibrates with a certain frequency and each frequency of vibration has a certain radiation. Vibrations differ in its frequency.
You can change the frequency at which things vibrate as the frequency at which things vibrate is caused by your actions and you can change your actions.
The amplitude of vibration changes if you get near something that has a specific frequency of vibration and if you can feel these changes We cant feel all vibrations. Only a specific range of frequencies we can sense
I repeat that everything has a certain frequency of vibration. In a philosophical sense, think of people who are sad. They have a low vibration. People who are happy vibrate with a much higher frequency. People who are successful vibrate on another frequency as poor people.
The Universe is responding to….
“Your vibration”“Change your vibration-Change your life”