IoT Training at Svib Software Technologies by ZAS Consultancy
IoT(Internet of things) is the future of internet which create connection and communication between things.
The traditional/usual internet is human communicating with other humans whereas, in IOT, things communicate with things.
Recognizing the scope of IoT, and the implementation in the industry of conditional monitoring and vibration analysis for wireless and easy transfer of measurement data of vibration and sound analysis, we consulted ZAS consultancy, one of the best IOT Training consultancies in Bangalore.
Training details:
![IoT Training by ZAS Consultancy](
The following things were discussed during the 1-week training with ZAS consultancy.
- Introduction to Arduino ( A Microprocessor board used for communication between the sensors and cloud)
- It works with its own software Arduino IDE
- The coding is similar to C
- It has its own libraries for various applications & experiments.
- Once the libraries and coding are done, we can upload it using a micro USB.
- It is independent once uploaded, giving power and internet connectivity, it works on its own and transmits the values/data via the internet
Arduino IDE PC Software - Using Arduino, we conducted many experiments like
- Experiment with OLED– LED lights blinks according to the high or low values and timings mentioned in the uploaded Arduino code.
- Using serial monitor in Arduino IDE, we can see the values before uploading.
- Experiment with sensor- Various sensors like Temperature, pressure, Air quality was used along with Arduino to display the values taken by the particular sensor through the environment.
- The recorded values from the sensor are seen in the serial monitor, Further Digital display chip connected to the same setup, with that the values of the sensor can be displayed on the digital display output.
Temperature display experiment using Arduino
- Using Bluetooth to control the devices- A Bluetooth supported connector is attached to the Arduino board, with the help of this the data collected by the sensor can be displayed in smartphones using an Arduino mobile app.
- The Bluetooth Arduino mobile app is also used as a serial monitor to control the Arduino board or actions
- Sending the recorded data into Cloud- The data recorded by the sensors is transferred to the cloud using wifi connectivity. Here we used Wemos D1R1 (A Microcontroller, which is similar to Arduino, which supports wifi connectivity)
- We used Google drive (Online cloud storage service by Google), By connecting the Arduino program with the Google program, the data recorded in the sensor can be seen on the Google sheets from anywhere in the world
- Using Relay to control high voltage devices using Bluetooth- using the Arduino board one program is created using the relay control boards (With which we can control the high voltage devices).
- After uploading the program and connecting the Arduino board, Bluetooth controller & one DC power based like a bulb or any other device, we can control the device using our Arduino Bluetooth mobile app.
- Using Blynk Software- Blynk is a platform and mobile app for digital interface and control of IOT projects, With the help of widgets available in the app, using wifi interface of microcontroller, the values can be displayed in various formats in the blynk app.
Blynk app for IoT Training Outcome/Benefits:
- After the completion of 1-week training with ZAS consultancy, Svib Software technologies team got hands-on experience on using Arduino boards for various experiments using various sensors and uploading the data into the cloud.
- Further analysis and experiments are being carried out by the research team of Svib software technologies for the implementation of IOT in Condition monitoring and vibration analysis